This was Berwick's first Borders Green Festival. The images give the flavour. The car engine may look odd but it was a 'green' van (although owned by a white van man) as it was powered by used chip pan oil with bits of chips in it; engine starts on diesel and when warm, hey presto, flick an appropriate switch, and the cooking fat kicks in. (no I am not joking, this is Kosher even if the oil isn't)A teepee full of alternative therapies, a stall for natural burial where you can arrange to have yourself placed in a wicker basket coffin (you need to be dead first, ideally) and then buried under a tree in a wood in Selkirk. Lots of gen on wind power,biomass, solar energy etc; Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Make Poverty History, Amnesty International, AONB. Also a Pole Lather (see image) operating from a Yurt-Mongolia's answer to a Teepee. Also a lad with a snowy owl and his friend with a Jackal Buzzard. BOG (Borders Organic Gardens) were there as well-Mrs Huttonian has the only one of those in Hutton and Paxton-demonstrating composting. So was the Green Shop and this organisation has two fat powered vans, the idea is catching on apparently- a sales opportunity for the Little Chefs recycling their spent oil up and down the A1 as I doubt if Esso and Morrisons will ever install chip or vegetable fat pumps at their service stations.
A good time was being had by all and, yes, the veggie burgers were delicious.