ABSOLUTE BULLOCKS Many apologies the cows mentioned in a recent post, on closer inspection, are n't. But are Bullocks. Bulls less encyclicals. Sort of Bully Beef in waiting. Skittish and having fun while there is yet time having been cooped inside all winter.
The white one, the runt of the litter, was taken at speed caught in the act of doing a one point turn as he suddenly changed his mind about getting to know Huttonian better. Living in a mixture of curiosity, aggression and downright terror and not (just like the rest of us) seeing many humans in these parts their technique appears to be to send a scout and if there is no warning fart the herd charge over-then overcome by their own temerity charge off again farting furiously in our general direction. Only one had his horns and seemed to be in charge, throwing quite a lot of weight about-another variation one the bully beef theme, I suppose?