I am very grateful to a bloggee Mr S McNally for the image above of a grass snake seen at Wooler. Ihe enthusiasts at 'Snake in the Grass'-see original post below-will be grateful for confirmation by an eye witness of snakes in Scotland. This one is presumably an English Serpent but no doubt on its way to Scotland's favourite short break destination
"I was recently reading your blog, and I thought...You would like to hear about My wife and I spotting a Grass Snake
We spotted the grass snake on part of the Southern Upland Way about 1/2 mile heading west from Peas Bay, Shame we forgot the camera that weekend.
These are picture taken the weekend before spotting the an Adder basking in the sun during a walk in the College Valley near Wooler.
Sorry we have no pictures but there are grass snakes in Scotland
Best regards Stephen McNally"