Oh dear the Old Manse pond seems to have been a casualty of our absence in Norn Iron. No, we can't blame the fire next door. The exotic weed has suddenly taken over and most of the water has gone and is replaced with a green luxuriant mass of foliage. Good for a small lake in a rain forest but not for the arid Merse and especially during yet another dry spell. The pond-was a somethingth birthday present for the wife-a family dig and fill job (with a bit of help from Mr R's small digger)As you can see from the image there is still some water-having removed a few tons of exotics itis just visible but most has gone and this is going to be a boots on, gloves on, heave and hose job. Good thing there is no hose pipe ban in these parts. The frogs seem to have decamped for the duration and even Cocky the Pheasant is keeping his distance.