Here is an idea for Hutton. This image is taken from a pavement in St Germain en Laye. It indicates to dog owners that a crap depository is available across the road so in there slob. Trouble is you have to cross the road and that is more difficult than in Hutton. More cars along that particular stretch per minute than through Hutton in a year.
So if you are smart and rue wise you walk your chien on the other side of the street.
The image of the dog, tres chic, is very Parisien and would not do for the Merse. A shaggy Borders Collie or a Royal Corgi would be more appropriate. And the message would need to be more explicit-the animal could be depicted carying a wee plastic bag in its mouth, full of doings and even the dimmest dog owner would get the picture (no pun intended)