Musings from the Merse
Thursday, June 07, 2007
An organisation called RAGES has been agitating for some time to have the long abandoned Reston station reopened on the Berwick to Embra East coast section of the London-Scotland route. Recent correspondence in the Berwickshire has been rather one sided with the case against the revived station being stated( by one individual) with no response from the RAGES lot. The latest effusion is below:

I was most disappointed when no reply was forthcoming to the simple question of why does Reston need a train station and confirmed my thoughts that it simply does not.
Oh well was my initial thought when suddenly headlining again was this ill thought out idea. It got better, 100 houses are being built, this will possibly double the population, er! now excuse me, but the current concensus is less than 400.
I also noticed that East Linton was also being lined up to be re-opened, well it is two minutes from Dunbar, so my advice to anyone travelling to Dunbar from East Linton is don’t go to the toilet, you will miss your stop.
Reston Mart category B, visitor attraction(s) and park and ride are then thrown in to the equation .
Another ill thought out idea, why? Parking cars in an unmanned station is an invitation for crime, more so the village has not got any visible police presence, this is a serious issue which has to be dealt with before any park and ride scheme takes place.
I could name so many reasons for not having a station, The Berwickshire News would have to insert a supplement special.
I for one do not want this suggestion of a station at Reston to go through.
God knows what next if it did, an airport perhaps, Reston International, all passengers boarding the 15.15 flight to Malaga please check in now.
Of course that is stupid, but no more stupid than a railway station, not bad for a village where you cannot buy a ham sandwich

Hutton Think Tank have long ago lost the file about the possibility of a local loop line -Berwick-Canty's Brig (change for Paxton House- onto the 32a Bus shuttle)Paxton(change for Fishwick-abandoned at any early stage as the bus could not be relied upon to get through)Hutton, Broomdykes, Chirnside, Duns and back again to the main line heading north.It was thought that this would take some pressure off the main route in a very congested section. Interestingly enough (given the sentiments expressed in the letter above) there was also the idea of an airport for the Merse at Winfield which used to be an RAF fighter station so the conversion would be no problem. That really would put the Borders on the map with tourists being able to fly in to our heartland from as far away as Newcastle and Embra. There could also be a rail link from Paxton to Terminal One. I think the Borders Party and the Tourism Highheidyins should look into all this-the possibilty of well heeled Americans searching for Reiver roots flying directly from New York to Winfield is an attractive one but we need the infrastructure to handle these huddled masses yearning for duty free.

Our letter writer should be cautious about the food availability criterion. Telaviv is a proper place with an an international airport.

But ham sandwiches?

And don't even think about trying next door

In Riyadh

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Dear Sir

Your idea about well heeled Americans searching for Reiver roots flying directly from New York to Winfield is I fear fraught with potential problems. Our tourism research department (google) has revealed to senior management that there's a Winfield in Illinois. This will inevitably lead to confusion and problems in that aircraft leaving New York may well end up at the wrong airport.

Still, not to worry, Delta Airlines are stopping their Atlanta - Edinburgh service at the end of the summer and starting a new one from New York at the beginning of next summer, along with the two other flights a day from New York to Edinburgh via Continental Airlines. This means that New Yorkers will have the choice of three flights a day direct to Edinburgh where a people carrier can bring them direct to the East March. This of course is always providing that they haven't been to the VistScvotland web site and are totally confused and convinced that they shouldn't be bothering with the Borders at all.

Yours in travel.....
Lets go for the simple solution. Change the name of Winfield Airport(Merse) to Win'an a Prayer International Airport or, if we are to follow recent practice about naming airports after local personalties, real or imaginary; Wynsome Mayde Airport or indeed, The Reivers Return
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