Carrefour Les BravesShopping for le fete d'anniversaire. Not as easy as Sir Morrisons-the labels are in French for Goodness Sake. Creme d'Anglaise is custard. That's fairly obvious. Viande de Cheval; pass even if they are old hacks exported from Berwickshire via Ber Wick on Tweed. Le Scotch-no, not le whisky ecossais but sticky tape. I did get a bit lost with searching for heavy duty version-Le Scotch de Canard rang no bells with the helpful monolingual staff 'dans store'
"Espece d'idiot" said the Wife "its Duct not Duck"
Not much help as she did not know the French for Duct
"Can I help you?" asked the back of a T-shirt belonging to a belle assistante. It/she couldn't
"Duct" is difficult to mime
We found some in the end; so now we can fasten up the Jet packs for Sunday's party
The search for suitable aliens goes on
One image is the store in Dubai. No horse meat I suspect
The other is a discriminating shopper selecting a cool hot water bottle-no oxymoron intended. As a French nobleman once said unflatteringly of an acquaintance
" Il a une femme,deux maitresses seulement et trois bouteilles chaudes"
Labels: Carrefours, Duct Tape, France