'Mild, breezy, dry' said the BBC Blether Centre. Mild; yes. Dry;yes.
Breezy? We came back from Church to find our two large wheelie bins five yards from their usual place on their sides and gaping open ; the tall garden storage cabinet also on its side with the contents scattered over the garden and the large storage chest upside down with the rest of the garden paraphernalia sucked out and blown into a variety of interesting places. As for tomorrows cardboard recycling it had disappeared, heading, no doubt, to a nearby land fill site to await the arrival of its mates.
A small breeze induced whirlwind? A zephyr motivated typhoon? Take your pick-as it did our garden fork.
As the plasterer, a Pailmerk from Gala remarked on Friday, water flowing down his face, 'Duns has its own climate.' The worst in the Borders?
No, in the known world.
And that includes Dumfries and Galloway.
Climatically the move from Hutton was in the wrong direction.
(Is Friday's copy of the Guardian, Sports Section at the top of the whirlwind as pictured above? Difficult to be sure)
Labels: Duns climate. Typhoon. Whirlwind