Our countryside is being vandalised with these damned industrial machines because the administration in Holyrood does not have the guts to go down the nuclear route," blasted Jim Fullarton (East Berwickshire"speaks the well known voice of moderation. (Full report
here) Short and to the point which is not at all like Big Jim. My instinct after being subjected to blasts of long winded (npi)incoherent rhetoric by Jim F whilst serving a few years on the Hutton and Paxton Community Council is to support anything he is opposing. In this instance I have the unworthy thought that perhaps there is an element of a Border Collie in the rabbit hutch behind this vehemence, opposing turbines wherever they may wish to be. Some fellow landowners have done quite well renting out vast tracts of territory for wind farms. Damned industrial machines pay quite a nice lot of rent. Has anyone asked Jim for a slice of Coldingham?
Thought not.
(The image is of Hardens Hill Turbine farm-marching towards Coldingham so Big J could yet be lucky?)
Labels: Big Jim Fullarton, Wind Turbines