Hippo Seen on B6461 may not be too fanciful in view of a late traffic flash:

Following from our roving traffic correspondent Ms Hogg:
Rhoda has asked drivers to take care of local roads because of the detritus left by harvesters and tractors. The stretch by the former Whitsome Hill Farm is very nasty this morning. This caused no end of squealing brakes in the early morning hours.
Indeed being wet and harvest coming in is the combination which produces muddy roads in these here parts. Currently the B6437 is mud alley with the fuzz being involved by a bloggee in persuading the Council people to put on their (mud) coloured wellies and get scraping.
I had never realised, until being on the Hutton and Paxton Community Council in my tossed salad days that farmers had a legal responsibility for clearing mud after them-punishable claimed one, by fines up to £10,000-not that any local would ever (dare)shop a farmer-and in consequence one or two of them were extremely dilatory about getting rid of the muck leaking from their farm yards or their fields. One farm not unadjacent to the B6461 was the biggest offender. No names no lawyer's letter
This is born out by the National Farmer's Union as you can read
here(The image, I am unreliably informed, may be of a couple having had a mud bath on the B6461 asking around about who had nicked their clothes)
Labels: farmers, Hippos in Berwickshire, Mud, Mud on Roads, NFU